Family is where life begins,
and love never ends

As Life happens memories occur in a flash

We specialize in helping capture the moments that count

Everyone has a story

Family is a gift…. a source of love, wisdom, & entertainment
ARR Tree helps capture their stories firsthand, so they live on forever…

Never forget the moment

Relive memories by adding recorded or written comments to those captured special moments
Celebrate Your Child’s Journey
Using our App, share real time videos & pics within your private network
Create customized timelines & set them to music

Create photobooks

Having your photos in one place and using our point and click feature makes creating photobooks a breeze!!

We make it easy to build your tree

Invite family members to join and attach their tree

Together stay connected & share your special moments.

Our App catalogues, and stores your videos and pictures for easy retrieval

Your Tree is secure and private and shared ONLY with your family members

Join today

Be part of a private ongoing virtual family reunion
Together, build your family legacy for all generations to enjoy